It runs in the family

The name of Verstraete has been connected to succes ever since Raoul’s first interest in pigeon racing in the seventies. Xavier was introduced in pigeon racing as a child and the same happened with the granddaughter Carmen. A successtory was written under the church of Lourdes, Belgium.

With 4 national victories, 1 time General Champion KBDB, several other championships and more than 800 firstprise winners worldwide we are part of the history of the Belgian pigeonsport.

After 45 years we are still excited when we see beautiful pigeons and there great results.


Verstraete Xavier, Raoul, Brinda and Carmen.

Breeding with champions on the miracle loft

Satisfied clients
First prize winners

Meet the Verstraete Family

Xavier Verstraete
Xavier Verstraete
It all started as a hobby of my father. But years later this is almost a fulltime job for me and my family. I learned a lot of my father but I am still adapting new things every day.
Recently my wife Brinda joined our team and is a helping hand on the loft.
Carmen & Raoul Verstraete
Carmen & Raoul VerstraeteOffice Manager & Founder
We have come full circle : grandfather and granddaugther are in the business together. Raoul is everyday on the loft to see what is happening and Carmen is managing the social media pages and e-mails.

Raoul Verstraete started racing pigeons in 1968 and within 5 years his loft was called: The loft of Miracles.